SB DX @ ARL $ARLD041 ARLD041 DX news
ZCZC AE41 QST de W1AW DX Bulletin 41 ARLD041 From ARRL Headquarters Newington CT October 10, 2013 To all radio amateurs
This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by NC1L, PA3AD, the OPDX Bulletin, 425 DX News, The Daily DX, DXNL, Contest Corral from QST and the ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web sites. Thanks to all.
VIET NAM, 3W. Look for Mike, 3W2DK to be QRV from October 17 to November 2. Activity will be on 20, 17, 15 and 10 meters. QSL via N0ODK.
GUYANA, 8R. Alex, W1CDC plans to be QRV as 8R1A from October 13 to November 1. Activity will be holiday style on 80 to 10 meters with a focus on 80, 30, 17, 12 and 6 meters using CW. QSL to home call.
SIERRA LEONE, 9L. Jerry, K4ZIN and William, N4WDT will be QRV as 9L1JT from October 15 to 22. Activity will be on the HF bands with a focus on 30, 17 and 12 meters with two stations active 12 hours each day. QSL direct via N4WDT.
BHUTAN, A5. Operators JH3AEF, JH7EQW and JA3IVU are QRV as A52AEF, A52EQW and A52IVU, respectively, until October 20. Activity is on 160 to 10 meters using CW, SSB and digital modes. QSL to home calls.
MOZAMBIQUE, C9. A large group of operators plan to be QRV as C82DX from October 15 to 22. Activity will be on 160 to 6 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via operators' instructions.
ANGOLA, D2. Joao, CT2HPM is QRV as D2CT from Luanda until November 15. Activity is on 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10 meters using mostly RTTY and PSK31. QSL to home call.
SOUTH COOK ISLANDS, E5. Fabio, IZ0YIV is QRV as E51YIV from Rarotonga Island, IOTA OC-013, until October 13 and then Aitutaki Island, IOTA OC-083, from October 13 to 17. Activity is on the HF bands using SSB and various digital modes. QSL to home call.
ANTARCTICA. Max, IW0HEU will be QRV as IA0MZ from the Mario Zucchelli Base Station beginning after October 14 until January 31, 2014. Activity will be mainly on 20 meters SSB in his spare time. QSL via IW0EFA.
SVALBARD, JW. LA9DL and LA7XK are QRV as JW9DL and JW7XK, respectively, until October 14. They will be active as JW5X in the Scandinavian Activity SSB contest. QSL via operators' instructions.
LITHUANIA, LY. The national Lithuanian ham radio organization Lietuvos Radijo Megeju Draugija is QRV as LY75RMD during October in celebration of its 75th anniversary. QSL via bureau.
SEYCHELLES, S7. Andrea, IZ1MHY is QRV as S79MHY from Praslin Island, IOTA AF-024, until October 17. Activity is on 160 to 10 meters using all modes. QSL to home call.
PALAU, T8. Kiichi, JF1LUT is QRV as T88IK from Arakabesan Island, IOTA OC-009, until October 15. Activity is on 17 to 6 meters using only SSB. QSL to home call.
TURKEY, TA. Special event station TC90TC will be QRV from October 14 to 21 to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the Turkish Republic. Activity will be on the HF bands with all modes. QSL via TA1HZ.
CONGO (REPUBLIC OF), TN. Operators PA3A, PD1AEG, PA8AD and PA8AN will be QRV as TN2MS from October 12 to 24 while part of the 4th DAGOE Mercy Ships Radio DX-Pedition. Activity will be on the HF bands using CW, SSB and RTTY as time permits. QSL via PA3AWW.
EUROPEAN RUSSIA, UA. Special event station R100MFF will be QRV from October 15 to December 15 to commemorate the 100th birthday of the legendary radio operator Michail Fjodorowitsch Feofanov. QSL via UA4AM.
ST. KITTS AND NEVIS ISLANDS, V4. John, W5JON and Cathy, W5HAM are QRV as V47JA and V47HAM, respectively, from St. Kitts until November 10. Activity is on the HF bands using SSB and digital modes. W5JON will be QRV as V49J in the upcoming CQ WW SSB contest. QSL via operators' instructions.
MICRONESIA, V6. Yuki, JH1NBN is QRV as V6P from Pohnpei until October 17. Activity is on 80 to 6 meters using SSB in his free time. QSL to home call.
LORD HOWE ISLAND, VK9L. Fred, VK3DAC plans to be QRV as VK9DAC from October 14 to 20. Activity will be on 80, 40, 20, 15, 10 and 6 meters during his morning and evening hours. QSL to home call.
INDONESIA, YB. Budi, YF1AR will be QRV as YF1AR/0 from Payung Besar Island, IOTA OC-177, from October 12 to 15. Activity will be on 40 to 10 meters using mainly SSB with some CW. QSL via N2OO.
THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO. North American RTTY Sprint, Oceania DX CW Contest, SKCC Weekend CW Sprintathon, NCCC RTTY Sprint Ladder, NCCC Sprint, Makrothen RTTY Contest, Microwave Fall Sprint, Scandinavian SSB Activity Contest, QRP ARCI Fall QSO CW Party, EU Autumn CW Sprint, Arizona QSO Party, Pennsylvania QSO Party, FISTS Fall CW Sprint, PODXS 070 Club 160-Meter Great Pumpkin PSK31 Sprint and the UBA ON CW Contest will certainly keep contesters busy this upcoming weekend. Please see October QST, page 89, and the ARRL and WA7BNM contest web sites for details. NNNN /EX