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«  Декабрь 2013  »

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Главная » 2013 » Декабрь » 6 » Handling WAS "Hybrid" applications and 5B WAS
Handling WAS "Hybrid" applications and 5B WAS

Hi All:

Just want to clarify how WAS Hybrid applications should be handled and also a page set up to help applicants use LoTW to apply for 5B WAS.

I’ve been getting the older paper forms with references to LoTW. Please note that with Hybrid applications the old WAS paperwork and record sheet are totally useless.

The system is designed to make hybrid applications simple and easy and the ONLY form needed (required) is the one sheet that is generated by LoTW.

After completing the application (parts 1 through 4) when  the applicants clicks to submit the application, another screen pops up and prompts applicants to:

"Print Field Check List”

This is the ONLY form required for hybrid applications. On Part two the applicant is shown the remaining states needed and they type in the callsign of each state in the box provided right next to each state and bring this form to you (or sends all to me) along with the cards. All you need to do is verify the cards against the states noted and you, not the applicant, forward this form to me.

This is the only verification method where I know all 50 states have been validated. If applicants use the old forms I have no way to know what states are confirmed 100% via LoTW.

If they ask they should be directed to this page:


Right at the opening they will see >>>>>>> Special Instructions <<<<<<< which will guide them easily step-by-step

Also, for 5B WAS since this award has not been set up for preparation via LoTW I have created this link on the WAS web page that will guide them through this process so that they can still use LoTW for 5B WAS 100%:


Bill Moore NC1L

Awards Branch Manager

Категория: Awards | Просмотров: 815 | Добавил: us5we | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 |
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