SB DX @ ARL $ARLD021 ARLD021 DX news ZCZC AE21 QST de W1AW DX Bulletin 21 ARLD021 From ARRL Headquarters Newington CT May 23, 2013 To all radio amateurs
This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by HA0HW, K1SFA, NC1L, The Weekly DX, the OPDX Bulletin, 425 DX News, The Daily DX, DXNL, Contest Corral from QST and the ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web sites. Thanks to all.
AZERBAIJAN, 4K. Alim, 4K6FO plans to be active in the CQ WW WPX CW contest. QSL via operator's instructions.
GEORGIA, 4L. Vaho, 4L8A will be a Single Op/Single Band on 20 meter entry in the CQ WW WPX CW contest. QSL via operator's instructions.
CYPRUS, 5B. A group of operators will be QRV as P3N as a Multi/Single entry in the CQ WW WPX CW contest. QSL via RW3RN.
MADEIRA ISLANDS, CT3. Operators DL8LAS, DL9EE and DK9IP are QRV as CT9/homecalls. They will be active as CR3L in the CQ WW WPX CW contest. QSL CR3L via DJ6QT and all others to home calls.
CANARY ISLANDS, EA8. Luis, EA8AY will be QRV as EE8X from Tenerife, IOTA AF-004, in the CQ WW WPX CW contest. QSL direct via W2GR.
FRANCE, F. Special event station TM100USA will be QRV from the Montfaucon American Monument on May 25 and 26 as a special tribute to the American troops who served here during the first World War. Activity will be on 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters using CW, SSB and various digital modes. QSL via F6KUP.
JERSEY, GJ. Kazu, M0CFW is QRV as MJ0CFW from St. Brelade until May 27. He will be active as MJ5Z in the CQ WW WPX CW contest. QSL both calls direct to home call.
SVALBARD, JW. Operator DK8FD is QRV as JW/DK8FD until May 27. This includes an entry in the CQ WW WPX CW contest. QSL to home call.
LUXEMBOURG, LX. Look for LX7I to be a Multi/Two entry in the CQ WW WPX CW contest. QSL via LX2A.
ALAND ISLANDS, OH0. Tomi will be QRV as OH0Z from Fasta Aland, IOTA EU-002, in the CQ WW WPX CW contest. QSL via W0MM.
CZECH REPUBLIC, OL. Special event station OL2013DIG is QRV until June 6 during the international DIG-meeting. QSL via OK1AR.
GREENLAND, OX. Henning, OZ1BII is QRV as XP2I from Kangerlussuaq until May 27. Activity is on the HF bands using only CW. This includes an entry in the CQ WW WPX CW contest. QSL to home call.
SABA, ST. EUSTATIUS, PJ5. A group of operators are QRV as PJ6A from Saba, IOTA NA-145, until May 27. This includes an entry in the CQ WW WPX CW contest. QSL via N4NX.
GREECE, SV. Laci, HA0HW is QRV as SW8WW from Thassos Island, IOTA EU-174, until June 5. Activity is on all HF bands and 6 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY. This includes an entry in the CQ WW WPX CW contest as a Single Op/All Band entry. QSL to home call.
TURKEY, TA. Special event station TC1919ATA is QRV in commemoration of the landing of Kemal Atatuerk in Samsun in 1919. QSL via TA6P.
CANADA, VE. Ron, VA3RVK is QRV as XL3T until June 23 to commemorate the Canadian Arctic Expedition that took place from 1913 to 1916. This includes an entry in the CQ WW WPX CW contest. QSL via VE3AT.
AUSTRALIA, VK. Special event station VI103WIA is QRV until May 27 from Freemantle, Western Australia during the Wireless Institute of Australia AGM and National Conference. QSL via bureau.
VANUATU, YJ. Bill, K2PO is QRV as YJ0PO from Efate Island, IOTA OC-035. Activity is on 80 to 10 meters. This includes an entry in the CQ WW WPX CW contest. QSL to home call.
NEW ZEALAND, ZL. Holger, ZL3IO will be QRV from Hawke's Bay on the North Island, IOTA OC-036, as a Single Op/All Band entry in the CQ WW WPX CW contest. QSL direct to home call.
PRINCE EDWARD AND MARION ISLANDS, ZS8. David, ZS8Z has been QRV on 20 meters using SSB around 1340 to 1500z and 10 meters around 1230z. QSL via ZS1HF.
OPERATION APPROVED FOR DXCC CREDIT. The following operation is approved for DXCC credit: North Cook Island, E51WL.
THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO. The CQ World Wide WPX CW Contest, NCCC RTTY Sprint, NCCC Sprint CW Ladder, Portuguese Navy Day Digital Contest, QRP ARCI Hootowl CW Sprint and the SARL Digital Contest will certainly keep contesters busy this upcoming weekend. The MI QRP Memorial Day CW Sprint is scheduled for May 27 and 28. Please see May QST, page 80, and the ARRL and WA7BNM Contest websites for details. NNNN /EX